Sunday, 28 February 2010

Let Me Introduce You To Neville

This is Neville.

I found him at my local Safeway while grocery shopping. We locked eyes from across the canned tomatoes isle and in that instant -  I knew he was destined to come home with me.

I agonized over what to name him. I finally settled on "Neville" - a good, solid, comforting name. "Neville Longbottom?" you ask.

I'd like to think he was named after Neville Chamberlain.

I'd like to think I'm doing Chamberlain a favour by naming a plant after him - so few people remember him anyways.

So now Neville sits on my windowsill, guarding my house from ninjas, hobos, and other unwanted guests.

I sense the beginning of a great friendship.

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