Tuesday, 12 January 2010

I Give School a Black Eye

And then it punches me back.

This quarter I'm taking Business, Anthropology/Linguistics, and Logic. The homework is almost the same pace as IB, except no one's doing it. Oh wait, that's still the same....

I like my Anthropology and Business teachers, but my Logic teacher.....nyaaaaaaah. Or maybe I'm starting to hate logic. I need to bring out my AK-47 and gun it down with my intellect.

But for right now, it seems like I'm out of bullets. (get it? ha ha ha)

PEACE y'all


windcglider said...

Justen!!!!! How's everything?
I miss you :)
hope all's well where you're at.

p.s. I get happier whenever I listen to the "I Rather Dance" song... Kings of Convenience XD

pps. how do you include videos on your blog? cuz mine doens't have that option! :(
im thinking of changing my blog host.. lol

Amanda said...

Those sound like really difficult subjects!... I hope it isn't difficult people you're also havin classes with XD?
Come on skype when you can!! = D miss you dearly!

Justen Waterhouse said...

Hi guys ~ haven't been online cuz the motherboard to my computer died a horrible death last week. Computer is being shipped to my house, but not for some time. Actually, just got 2 of my tests back, and I did ok (yay!). You "embed" videos in html format. You get the link to the videos on youtube (the window to the right should have a field marked "embedded link" or something). All's well, it's just that things are busy - hope everyone's doing great. :D