So school is good, the classes aren't that hard and the teachers are pretty decent. There are some odd characters in my classes - like the 19 year old who's engaged in my ANTH class, and the 70 year old Santa Claus in my business class, not to mention the chubby kid who insults the professor even though he's within hearing range.
The classes are run by the quarter system, which is so fast paced, you practically have to be a NINJA to keep up. This also gives some structure to your day as your daily checklist looks something like this:
1- Wake Up
3 - Eat. Maybe?
5 - Sleep
6 - Wait, DON'T sleep. Silly me, just more homework
7 - Turn in HOMEWORK
8- Weep tears of blood because you are so happy you turned it in
Seriously though, I really do like my subjects and having to move quickly; it makes me feel powerful and in control of my life.
Not unlike when I was a kid and I would destroy a whole Lego-town, booming, "PREPARE TO MEET THY MAKER, WORMS!"
(jeez, kid, get a JOB why don't you?)
Now, some pictures.
(Our kitchen table. Sometimes the light comes in at a glorious angle)
(Not so glorious. Found this when cleaning out the kitchen.
Left by the previous renters.
Ok, now to BLOW YOUR MIND:
That used to be a jar of pickles.
I WISH I was kidding)
Well, that's all for today. I guess I'm officially contact-able again.
Be safe, eat fruit, and don't stick keys into electrical sockets. Just. Don't.
(photo credit: