Tuesday, 27 October 2009


Drove. Past tense.

Am tired. Present tense.

Driving requires so much concentration, but I think I did pretty well. I was scheduled to do 3 lessons today and got through 5. Head light settings, wind shield wiping speeds, Park, Neutral, Drive, Second, First, gas, brake, backwards and forwards and turning, judging distance. So many rules to remember for the test! Later, Dad let me drive around the parking lot, practicing tight corners - I can't tell if there's any improvement, because I can't bloody see how close I am to things. But overall, still pretty exciting!!!!


These guys.

 The Bloody Beetroots

They're a techno group. Pretty rad. Yes, that's right, RAD. Check them out.

Favorite song:    Mac Mac

Also, they can jump very high.

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