Well, the last day in LaGrange, at my grandmother's, has been a whirlwind of activities. Once again, photos tell the best stories.
EW - oh, that's me, working in the garage on the painting. See the sketches on the bottom right corner? The rag around my shoulders helped moped up the mess of paints, and I wore it like a scarf. I finished putting my portfolio together on Friday night at 2am. I like living on the RAZOR'S EDGE OF LIFE - ARRRR!
Going to visit the art school in Atlanta (SCAD) was a truly humbling experience. I've never been in awe of something so much. I realise how lazy I've been, settling and being satisfied with the second-best. The school was virtually vibrating with the intensity of spirit and mind - perhaps it was the wakeup call I needed. I owe my aunt big time, for convincing me to go.
So cool - reminds me of the Wolf Spirit from the Japanese movie Monoke Hime. A shout out from those who've seen it - Hey- yooo!
Um, ok - this is a SELF PORTRAIT. The kids took a picture of their profiles and then a straight on shot and made these. This makes you understand the 3-Dness of faces a whole different way.
From a series about MAPS - from the illustration department. Just look at the details and choice of color - he got it just right.
I WANT THESE - I can't stress that enough. :D
At the end of the visit, I was overwhelmed by the richness of projects - I guess I have something to shoot for.
Dad thoroughly enjoyed the trip, too - but little did he know that there was surprise waiting for him back at my aunt's.
Happy Birthday! Well, it they were 2 weeks early, but my aunt, uncle and grandmother wanted to celebrate it with him, while he was in Georgia.
Cats were there to welcome us.
You may not be able to tell, but they're trying to look bored.
Dinner was steak (expertly grilled by my uncle - left), potatoes, and salad. Chocolate Kahula cake to follow. I'M SO THANKFUL I'M NOT DIABETIC - it was so good. My lovley aunt is pictured, above, right. Oh, and there's my finished painting in the background - my aunt and uncle were good enough to give it much-needed lighting.
It was about as perfect an end to our time in LaGrange, Georgia as it could get. I always feel a bit sad when I leave LaGrange, because, even though it's quite different from Taipei, it has incomparable people (aunt/uncle/grandmother/cousins) and is a truly peaceful place.
Goodbye, LaGrange - see you some other year!