Arrr - Here be Dad putting together his new folding tandum bike. Yes, it FOLDS, and is a bike meant for TWO.
We had ordered them online from a company called Bike Friday - a little known producer of top-notch folding bikes. Their bikes are adorable but are also serious bikes - with a capital S. Grrr...
He, Mom and I rode to Montlake, Seattle, from Beacon Hill - about 10 miles, and then back again. He and mom rode the tandum and got lots of smiles and stares. Hey, wadya know, my parents were rockin' out on the tandum, being oh so cool.
I myself have a single folding bike. It's blue, it folds, it's a bit petite - AND I LOVE IT. It's really cool to see these things fold up - the back wheel lifts up and over, and the handles come off - just small enough to put into your grocery cart!
I've decided to name my bike MEGATRON.
*Transformers~ more than meets the eyeeee~*
My parents don't get the reference.
Ok, so they need to work on their coolness.
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